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2014 News

2014. 12. 01 - Our work was reported by Materials 360, MRS's online publication.

2014. 11. 07 - A Journal article accepted (J. of Renewable & Sustainable Energy)

2014. 10. 29 - Congratulations Jiaqi ! for the Undergraduate Research Award

2014. 10. 27 - Two papers accepted at IEEE MEMS 2015

2014. 10. 27 - A Journal article accepted (Lab on a Chip, featured on the cover)

2014. 10. 21 - A Journal article accepted (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics)

2014. 09. 15 -  S3IP Undergraduate Research Initiative (Jiaqi Zhang)

2014. 08. 02 - A Journal article accepted (Fuel Cells)

2014. 07. 07 - High School Summer Research Program starts ! (We welcome Chris Fischer from Briarcliff High School)

2014. 06. 18 - A Journal article accepted (IEEE Sensors)

2014. 06. 02 -  2014 Summer Scholars and Artist's Program starts ! (Diandra Hassan)

2014. 06. 02 -  LAAMP/McNair Summer Research Program starts ! (Junle Lu)

2014. 06. 02 -  NSF REU progam starts ! (We welcome Taneesha Beebe to our lab.)

2014. 05. 19 -  "Bio-fuel Cell" project received funding from the 2014-2015 Interdisciplinary Collaboration Grants Program (The Smart Energy TAE at BU)

2014. 04. 17 - A Journal article accepted (Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy)

2014. 04. 04 -  2014 Annual ECE Awards (Chunhui Dai)

2014. 04. 01 -  2014 Summer Scholars and Artist's Program Fellowship (Diandra Hassan)

2014. 03. 04 - Our paper "A micro-sized Microbial Solar Cell" has been selected as a finalist paper for one of the best paper contests in the IEEE-NEMS conference and will be featured in IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine.

2014. 03. 01 - Undergraduate Research Program began ! (6 undergraduate students)

2014. 02. 28 - Three papers accepted for oral/poster presentations at the HH 2014